Most of my short stories I tell on my podcast Sandcastle Horror unless they were published in a different publication. Sandcastle is a town off of the Nothern California coastline just south of the Russian River. You’ve probably never been to Sandcastle for if you do find it, you will probably never be able to leave. It is the gateway to Purgatory. No one has ever settled in Sandcastle until the Gold Rush and that is when human greed took over.
There is a nice chunk of rock out in the Pacific Ocean and to get to Sandcastle, you must pass through this portal unless it is a strange day when the portal jumps around and sits on the Pacific Coast Highway. I wouldn’t recommend going through the portal in the ocean for if you do, you might be carried away out to sea or be slammed against the rock on the way through. Don’t even try it, it’s a bad idea. Just listen to the stories or read about what happens in this town of insanity.
Sandcastle sits roughly 78 miles north of San Francisco and 32 miles west of Santa Rosa. There are a few small towns north of Sandcastle, but the next biggest one is Fort Ross about 15 miles north of the city. Then again, if you’re just traveling through, you might even miss Sandcastle because you need to know how to get there through the fog or the rocky cliffs. I wouldn’t even bother trying unless you never want to be seen again for it might swallow you up forever.